3 Nephi 17-18 Study Guide – to be discussed December 4
Day 1: Read 3 Nephi 17:1-8; D&C 78:17-19
1. After quoting Isaiah, Jesus perceived that the people did not quite understand all he had been commanded to tell them. What instructions did he give to help them understand his teachings?
BONUS: Review 3 Nephi 11:1. Where were the people being taught? How could the instructions in 3 Nephi 17:3 apply to this setting?
EXTRA CREDIT: Read D&C 78:17-19. List promises to those who allow themselves to be led along and who receive all things with thankfulness.
2. Where was the Savior planning to go when he left the people at Bountiful?
3. Why did Christ tarry? What allowed Him to heal the people?
Day 2: Read 3 Nephi 17:9-17; D&C 76:1-10 and 114-118
4. What percentage of the sick and afflicted who were brought to Christ were healed? Who worshipped Him?
5. Why do you think Jesus asked for the children to be brought forward to encircle Him?
6. What was troubling the Savior as he prayed? For whom did He pray?
EXTRA CREDIT: Read D&C 76:1-10 and 114-118. What is the reward to those who respect and serve God in purity? By what power are we enlightened? Why couldn’t the people at Bountiful record the words of Christ’s powerful prayer?
Day 3: Read 3 Nephi 17:18-25
7. Why do you think Jesus wept?
8. What was the multitude commanded to DO in 3 Nephi 17:23? Why?
9. In what way(s) did blessing the children also bless the parents and grandparents? How had the parents already blessed the children?
EXTRA CREDIT: List the steps in 3 Nephi 17 that led to overwhelming joy.
Day 4: Read 3 Nephi 18:1-9
10. Why do you think Jesus asked his disciples to bring bread and wine instead of bringing them himself or causing them to appear miraculously? What did the multitude do as they waited?
11. Why do you think the Lord gave the sacrament to the disciples first, then commanded them to give to the multitude?
12. List the reasons Jesus gave for the commandment to observe His sacrament.
BONUS: According to 3 Nephi 20:9, with what were the people filled when they partook of the sacrament?
Day 5: Read 3 Nephi 18:10-16
13. To whom was Jesus speaking in 3 Nephi 18:10-16?
14. List promised blessings to those who worthily administer and partake of the sacrament.
15. How were the disciples commanded to pray in 3 Nephi 18:16? What example had Christ set in 3 Nephi 17:15-17?
Day 6: Read 3 Nephi 18:17-25
16. How does sincere prayer help us renew the covenant to “always remember Him”?
17. What two places are mentioned specifically as places where we should pray together?
18. How can we “hold up” the teachings of Christ as a light to the world and invite others to “feel and see”?
Day 7: Read 3 Nephi 18:26-39; BD entry: “Cloud”
19. What specific instructions did Jesus give the twelve regarding the administration of the sacrament?
20. What did the Savior say we must do in order for him to heal us? How can we help others receive this healing?
21. Why did the Savior need to go unto the Father? Read the Bible Dictionary entry, “Cloud.” Why do you think the Lord often uses a cloud to veil His presence, or in this case, His ascension?
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