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Monday, March 5, 2007

2 Nephi 1

Study Guide
2 Nephi – Lesson 1: 2 Nephi 1 (to be discussed January 11)
Day 1: Read 2 Nephi 1:1-5; Jeremiah 44:2-6
1. To whom is Lehi speaking in this chapter? What two main evidences of God’s mercy are listed in the first five verses?

2. Jeremiah and Lehi were contemporaries. Jeremiah stayed in Jerusalem and saw in person what Lehi said he saw in vision – the destruction of Jerusalem. Read Jeremiah 44:2-6 and list details from Jeremiah’s first-hand account.

Day 2: Read 2 Nephi 1:6-11
3. To whom is the promised land consecrated?

4. List all the promises you can find just in 2 Nephi 1:6-11. What are the conditions or warnings associated with the promises?

5. Why were the Americas kept from the knowledge of so many for so long?

Bonus: What does the term “land of promise” mean to you?

Day 3: Read 2 Nephi 1:12-15; Alma 34:16; Mormon 6:17; D&C 6:20
6. Give four verbs from 2 Nephi 1:12-13 which are given by commandment.

7. What do you think it means to “awake and arise from the dust”?

8. Lehi tells his sons he is “encircled about eternally” in the arms of the Savior’s love. Compare his statement to similar comments by Amulek (alma 34:16), Mormon (Mormon 6:17) and the Lord himself (D&C 6:20). What is the connection between this embrace and the plan of redemption?

Day 4: Read 2 Nephi 1:16-20
9. What is the anxiety of Lehi’s soul? How long has this been a concern?

10. What kind of a curse does Lehi fear for his sons and their posterity?

11. What does it mean to be a “choice and a favored people of the Lord”? (see v. 19)

Day 5: Read 2 Nephi 1:21-27
12. Lehi gives his sons instructions in how to be “men.” List six or more points of instruction from 2 Nephi 1:21-24.

13. Do you think Lehi loved all of his sons equally? Why or why not?

14. What compelled Nephi to speak plainly to his brethren?

BONUS: How many times did Lehi refer to the powers of Satan in his blessings to Laman and Lemuel?

Day 6: Read 2 Nephi 1:28-32
15. According to footnote 28a, what is the “first blessing” Lehi refers to? List those to whom he says it might fall if they hearken to Nephi. (Any irony here?)

16. What compliment does Lehi pay to Zoram? Does his blessing sound any less (or more) than his blessings to his literal sons? What does Zoram’s blessing teach you about adoption into the house of Israel?

Day 7: (application)
17. In the end, what was most important to Father Lehi?

18. If you knew your time on earth was short, what counsel would you give your children or loved ones?

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