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Monday, April 7, 2008

Alma 39-42

Alma 39-42 Study Guide – to be discussed April 17 (No class April 10 due to Poway Unified spring break.)
Day 1: Read Alma 39:1-9 with headnote; 3 Nephi 12:28-30
OVERVIEW QUESTION: Find Corianton’s four questions (as his father said he perceived them) in Alma 39:16-17, 40:1, 41:1 and 42:1. Rewrite these four questions in your own words.

1. In Alma’s counsel to his son Corianton, he reviewed the steps leading up to Corianton’s act of immorality. List at least four of those steps and relate them to how we might put ourselves in danger today.

2. From Alma 39:5, what did Alma tell Corianton he must know in order to begin the repentance process?

3. Read 3 Nephi 12:28-30 and JST Matthew 16:26 with Alma 39:9. What do you think it means to “cross yourself”? (Hint: see the footnote for Alma 39:9b.)

Day 2: Read Alma 39:10-19; Jacob 4:4-6
4. How did Corianton’s choices affect more than just himself?

5. List further steps in the repentance process as outlined by Alma in these verses.

6. According to the note at the bottom of page 307 in your Book of Mormon, about what year was it when Alma gave this counsel? Why was it important to teach the coming of Christ so many years before it happened?

Day 3: Read Alma 40:1-14; D&C 138:11-23
7. Why do you think Corianton was worried about the resurrection?

8. What did Alma know concerning the resurrection? What did he NOT know?

9. After reading D&C 138:11-23, why do you think the righteous will be happy in the spirit world? Why will the wicked be miserable?

Day 4: Read Alma 40:15-26; D&C 76:50-70; Psalm 75:7-8
10. What is the meaning of the term “the first resurrection”? (see also D&C 76:50-70)
11. To what state will all things be restored in the resurrection?

12. Having explained the universal resurrection of mankind, Alma ended chapter 40 with a description of the “awful death” of the wicked. In what ways will the wicked be dead? What are the “dregs of a bitter cup”?

Day 5: Read Alma 41:1-15
13. By what two things will we be judged? What do you think Alma meant when he said we are our own judges? (v.7)

14. What is the nature of the happiness described by Alma in verses 5, 10 and 11? If “wickedness never was happiness” (v.10), why are some very wicked people quite happy with their lives?

15. How did Alma define the word “restoration”? List what Alma expected Corianton to DO now that he understood the law of restoration.

Extra credit readings on the resurrection: D&C 133:54-55, D&C 88:97-102, D&C 101:31.
Day 6: Read Alma 42:1-15
16. In Alma 42:4, Alma again referred to this life as a probationary time. What two things did he say we are to do here?

17. In reference to this passage of scripture, President Harold B. Lee asked, “Can you think of a more tragic experience than to have an earth with no mortal death…?” (See The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, ch. 2.) What do you think he meant by this? What two kinds of death were brought about by the Fall?

18. What evidence do we have that God is perfectly just and merciful?

Day 7: Read Alma 42:16-31
19. What gift could not be extended to us if there were no law and no punishment? Why?

20. How is remorse of conscience a blessing?

21. Review Alma 42, looking at the phrase “God would cease to be God” in verses 13, 22 and 25. Although Alma is using hyperbole, what is the condition, in each case, under which, if possible, God’s very power and authority would be in question? How does this speak to Corianton’s question, as perceived by Alma at the beginning of this chapter?

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