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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ether 12-13

Ether 12-13 Study Guide – to be discussed April 23
Day 1: Read Ether 12:1-6; Review Ether 11:17-18, Ether 1:6-33
1. If Coriantumr is the “mighty man” who usurped power in Ether 11:17-18, from whom was he descended? From whom was Ether descended? (See Ether 1:6-33.)

2. How do we obtain hope? How is hope like an anchor? To what does that hope lead?

3. What quality must we possess in order to follow counsel when the results of following that counsel are not immediately apparent? When does the witness come that we have acted correctly in following counsel?

Day 2: Read Ether 12:7-21
4. From Ether 12:7-9, list what Moroni tells us has been made possible because of faitih.

5. What does Moroni say in verses 12-18 about the relationship between faith and miracles?

BONUS: Compare Ether 12:6 with Ether 12:19. How does faith make us glad?

6. What is the difference between seeing with our eyes and seeing with “an eye of faith”?

Day 3: Read Ether 12:22-31; Enos 1:13-16
7. Why was Moroni worried about his writing? What would we miss out on today if he had let his feelings of inadequacy keep him from writing?

8. Why do we have weaknesses? What is the Lord’s promise regarding these weaknesses?

9. How was Moroni’s experience a witness of his own faith? List two more blessings of faith from Ether 12:30-31.

Day 4: Read Ether 12:32-41
10. If we exercise faith in Christ, for what might we reasonably hope?

11. For what did Moroni pray to the Lord in our behalf? Why?

12. What is Moroni’s challenge to us in Ether 12:41?

Bonus: Read D&C 135:4-5; D&C 138:42, and D&C 88:74-75 with Ether 12:37. How did Moroni know his garments were clean?

EXTRA CREDIT: Review Ether 12, underlining the words FAITH and HOPE where they appear in the text.

Day 5: Read Ether 13:1-12; Revelation 21:1-4; D&C 57:1-3; 1 Nephi 13:42; 3 Nephi 20:22; Jacob 5:63
13. Why was the Jaredite civilization destroyed? How long has this been a land of promise?

14. Read Rev. 21:1-4, D&C 57:1-3, 1 Nephi 13:42, and 3 Nephi 20:22. Where will the New Jerusalem be established? Who will build it?

15. Read Jacob 5:63. What do you think Moroni meant when he wrote the first shall be last and the last shall be first, in relation to the gathering of Israel?

Day 6: Read Ether 13:13-19
16. Why did the prophet Ether hide in a cave?

17. What caused war among Coriantumr’s people?

18. What subjects did Coriantumr study?

Day 7: Read Ether 13:20-31
19. Summarize Ether’s message to Coriantumr. Over whom would Coriantumr be king if the prophecies were true?

20. According to Ether 13:25, what was every man fighting for?

21. How many days did Coriantumr and Shared fight? Who won?

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