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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Alma 18-20

Alma 18-20 Study Guide – to be discussed February 14
Day 1: Read Alma 18:1-14
1. List the things Lamoni’s servants KNEW about Ammon.

2. What were the “traditions” of Lamoni’s fathers?

3. Why was Lamoni so impressed with Ammon? How did Ammon’s example open the door for serious dialogue?

Day 2: Read Alma 18:15-32; D&C 100:5-8
BONUS: Read D&C 100:5-8 with Alma 18:16. What is the promise to all who teach in meekness? What is meekness?

4. How did Ammon describe himself in Alma 18:17? What commitment did he make to Lamoni? In spite of Ammon’s humble declarations, what were Lamoni’s first questions in verse 18?

5. What was Lamoni’s promise to Ammon in Alma 18:21? What was the desire of Ammon’s heart? How is he described in Alma 18:22?

6. With what did Ammon begin in teaching Lamoni the truths of the gospel?

Day 3: Read Alma 18:33-43
7. How did Ammon explain his extraordinary abilities?

8. In order for Ammon to be able to expound the plan of salvation and relate scriptures and records, what kind of preparation must he have had?

9. What was King Lamoni’s reaction to Ammon’s teaching? Why?

BONUS: Review Alma 18 and list or underline each example of Ammon offering service.

Day 4: Read Alma 19:1-18; D&C 46:13-14
10. What might Ammon have been doing during the two days and two nights when Lamoni was mourned and lay in state? How did Ammon again demonstrate he was “wise yet harmless”?

11. What was the nature of the queen’s faith? In other words, on what was her faith based? See also D&C 46:13-14.

12. What evidence do we have that there were isolated individuals among the Lamanites who looked forward to Christ? How had the Lord made himself known to these Lamanites?

Day 5: Read Alma 19:19-36; 3 Nephi 11:29
13. What explanations were offered by the people as to why Lamoni and his court lay unconscioius? Were any of their theories correct? Who is usually behind contention? (see 3 Nephi 11:29)

14. How did Abish take the situation in hand?

15. Who was the first one to preach openly among the people? What was the result of this preaching?

BONUS: What lesson from this event did Mormon point out in Alma 19:36?

Day 6: Read Alma 20:1-13; Review Alma 17:19
16. Review Alma 17:19. Over what land was Lamoni king? Over what land did Lamoni’s father rule? Why did the Lord tell Ammon to go to Middoni?

17. Why did Lamoni go with Ammon to Middoni?

18. What false traditions did Lamoni’s father believe? Does this sound like racial profiling to you?

Day 7: Read Alma 20:14-30
19. Was it possible for Lamoni’s father to feel the Spirit when he was angry? Why was it better for Lamoni to die than his father?

20. What did the king offer if Ammon would spare his life? Had Ammon turned down a similar offer before? What did Ammon request? What additional blessing did his father bestow on Lamoni?

21. Why do you think Aaron, Muloki and Ammah were not miraculously released from their bonds in the same manner as Alma and Amulek (Alma 14:26-28)?

BONUS: Which of Ammon’s qualities seems to have changed Lamoni’s father’s attitude and opened the door to conversion?

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