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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Alma 24-26

Alma 24-26 Study Guide – to be discussed February 28
Day 1: Read Alma 24:1-16
1. What was at the root of the contentions leading to war among Lamanite factions? Why did the king command the new converts not to prepare for war?

2. List the things for which the king said he was thankful.

3. What did the bright swords of the Lamanites represent? Why did they need to be buried DEEP?

Day 2: Read Alma 24:17-30
4. Were the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi more concerned with their souls or their lives? From Alma 24:18, list three parts of their covenant with the Lord.

5. What were the two goals of the Lamanite army? What caused some of them to repent?

6. What is one of the lessons of chapter 24, as summarized by Mormon in verse 30?

Day 3: Read Alma 25:1-12; Mormon 4:5
7. What inflamed the anger of the Lamanites toward the Nephites? How was this manifested?

8. Read Mormon 4:5, Alma 15:15. What kind of people lived in Ammonihah? What kind of people destroyed them?

9. What was the final disposition of the descendants of Amulon and the wicked priests of Noah?

Day 4: Read Alma 25:13-17; Moses 5:4-9; Exodus 12:1-14; Galatians 3:24
10. As more Lamanites buried their weapons, this literal and symbolic action became a token of what covenant?

11. Why did the converted Lamanites keep the Law of Moses?

12. Read Moses 5:4-9; Exodus 12:1-14 and Galatians 3:24. How was the Law of Moses designed to increase faith in Christ?
Day 5: Read Alma 26:1-15
13. What two blessings did Ammon rejoice over in Alma 26:3? How were these blessings related?

14. Using the extended metaphor in Alma 26:5-7, what does the sickle represent? The sheaves? The garners? The storms? How did Ammon feel about his brethren the Lamanites?

15. Did Ammon sound boastful to you? Why or why not?

Day 6: Read Alma 26:16-26; Jeremiah 9:23-24
16. Read Jeremiah 9:23-24 with Alma 26:16. What do you think it means to “glory in the Lord”? How is joy a byproduct of praise?

17. What evidence did Ammon give of the profound power of God’s mercy?

18. In accepting a call to preach repentance to the Lamanites, how did the sons of Mosiah help bring physical as well as spiritual salvation to the Lamanites? What did they do for their own people?

BONUS: According to Alma 26:22, what is the pattern for the penitent who wish to understand God’s mysteries and bring souls to repentance?

Day 7: Read Alma 26:27-37
19. List the afflictions suffered by the sons of Mosiah and their brethren in preaching among the Lamanites.

20. What quality among the converted Lamanites served as a witness of the sincerity of their changed hearts?

21. From Alma 26:35-37, list the characteristics and attributes of God, which caused Ammon to rejoice.

BONUS: Go back over Alma 26, underlining each time you find the word “rejoice” or “joy” What brought Ammon joy?

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